2021 Annual Report

Hope &

2021 Annual Report

The CJHS 2021 Annual Report is focused on Hope and Healing. Our world has changed in so many ways because of a global pandemic. We are slowly regaining our footing, but still uncertain as to what our landing place will be. What will our next step bring? Can or should we take it?

We grasp on to things that provide us hope so that we can heal, slowly but surely. The stories in this report, highlighting our clients’ journeys throughout the pandemic, provide us with good reasons to carry on. There is such evidence of courage in their telling, and you can feel the resilience through their words. They give us hope, which leads us to healing. The more hope that we have the more we know that we can pursue opportunities and overcome challenges. CJHS has had a multitude of successes in 2021. Enjoy filling your “hope cup” as you make your way through this Annual Report. You will feel like you are on a healing journey.

Impact Stories


“I felt broken, lost and that I had wasted my years”, this is how Gary* describes his life while he was actively involved in crime which eventually led to him losing his permanent resident status.

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Prior to being released from incarceration in August 2021, Ryan accessed support from the CJHS Reintegration Support program to develop an achievable release plan and find suitable housing.

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Liam* shares this advice from his experience of creating a productive and happy life after prison.

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Shortly after being released from prison, Jesse joined CJHS’s Building Bonds in the Community program; a volunteer-driven program offering support to individuals exiting prison.

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After getting kicked out of multiple homes for property damage, Alex* was taken in by CJHS’s Roofs for Youth.

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Our Vision

An informed, inclusive community active in preventing crime.

Our Mission

Promoting positive change through humane, just, and informed responses to crime and its effects.

In 2021,

CJHS served 1610 clients of which:

Self-identified as having mental health issues
Had addictions issues
Are Indigenous
Are aged 18 to 24 years

In a client survey of our programs and services:

Were satisfied with CJHS services
Reported that they increased their strength and potential
Reported that they feel accepted and comfortable
Felt that they were involved in planning their services
Reported that the services and assistance was helpful

Community Involvement


In the early 1980’s, just a few years after moving from Ontario to Calgary, Pamela received a phone call from her brother, who had just spent the past year in a Yellowknife prison.

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Good Neighbour Council

“The Council is a good thing working quietly without a lot of fanfare. A success story that needs to be celebrated,” – member of the Good Neighbour Council.

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Thanks to Donors and Funders

The work of The Calgary John Howard Society is possible because of the generous contributions of our funders and donors. Their interest, involvement, advice, and resources continue to give us hope. Please look at this lengthy list and applaud each and everyone of them.